62023EN - Is the Legend Etna 500W road legal? ⚠️

To legally ride on public roads, you must have administrative authorization to operate, administrative authorization to drive L1e-B vehicles, and mandatory insurance.

The Legend Etna 500W, according to Regulation (EU) No 168/2013, is classified as an L1e-B category vehicle because:

  • It maintains electric assistance above 25 km/h
  • Nominal power: 500W

Our Legend bicycles:

  • Etna 250W
  • Monza
  • Milano
  • Siena

According to Regulation (EU) 168/2013, these are electrically power-assisted bicycles (EPACs).

  • They cut off electric assistance at 25 km/h
  • Nominal power: 250W

To ride a Legend EPAC, you do not need any authorization, permit, or insurance. You only need to comply with traffic regulations.

However, the Legend Etna model equipped with a 250W engine is perfectly legal and authorized. 

Link Legend Etna: https://legendebikes.com/en/etna/

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